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Rocking In The Breeze With The Analog Kids

Analog Kids

Buffalo, NY

Band Members

NAT PEACE - Vocals, Keyboards, Bass and Bass Pedal

LARRY KREMER - Drums & Percussion

JOE PINNAVAIA - Guitar & Backup Vocals

Mary Jo, RushCon staff: Give us a little history of the band; how did you meet and discover a shared love of Rush? Larry: This band was formed by Nat Peace and myself for what was a “One off gig” shortly after Neil Peart died. Nat and myself are in a Judas Priest tribute together and it is through that we found out we had a mutual love for RUSH. Joe Pinnavaia joined the band a year later and had taken the band to the next level with his versatility and character.

Joe: I had known Nat for a while as he would come to some of my gigs with another cover band I am in. I have always liked Rush from my early years of learning guitar and when I heard Nat was trying to put together a Rush three piece I thought he was a little crazy for trying. When they had a parting of ways with the first guitar player Nat asked if I was interested. I hesitated slightly because I knew how much work it would be. I played some Rush tunes in the other band but not a three piece. But I thought this would be a great way to challenge myself. I met Larry for the first time when I came down for rehearsal.

Mary Jo: How did you pick the name Analog Kids?

Nat: We wanted a song title or lyric so we just guessed and tried to look up something that wasn't taken.

Larry: Ultimately our band name was chosen because it was the first song Nat learned keyboard for.

Mary Jo: Tell us about your gear and set up. Any special items you'd like to mention?

Nat: 2-3 Basses per show. Always my 1976 Rickenbacker 4001 (one year older than Geddy's Hemispheres - Grace Under Pressure bass) and a Geddy Lee signature Fender Jazz Bass. I have a 1999 model. Second year of production, but the first batch with the "limited edition" neck plate. One jazz is set up for the OG 1972 and I have one with a USA neck to replicate the Time Machine + look. I also use a pair of Fatar midi pedals hooked to a Roland Juno DS. I have a Behringer Poly D for my Minimoog sounds.

Larry: I currently use Sonar drums with decabons, Zildjian cymbals, LP timbali, bell tree, LP cowbell tree, glockenspiel, wind chimes x2, temple blocks, tambourine pedal, and Roland pad with triggers for intros and sample effects.

Joe: For the Guitar setup I had to develop a rig that would be able to hit all the areas from the early days to the 80’s and 90’s. I ordered a Alex Lifeson Epiphone Signature Les Paul which I am still waiting on, but I have a PRS SE Custom 24, Gibson SG, Mike Lull Sx Strat, Martin Acoustic, Marshall JVM, Mesa Boogie and Marshal 2x12 Cabs. For effect pedals I have several. JHS AT+, Carl Martin Plexitone, BB Pre and a Xotic EP Booster, Custom Modded Dunlop Cry Baby Wah, Digitech Whammy pedal, BOSS CE Chorus, Hotone Acoustic SIM with a separate line out for blending in an acoustic sound, Boss DD-3, EHX Holy Grail NEO, EHX Canyon Delay, Pigtronix Octava and a 1980 MXR Phase 100. It’s a heavy board for sure.

Mary Jo: What's your preshow ritual?

Nat: Take a break from listening to RUSH and some vocal warmups, and mental reminders not to mess up!

Larry: Deep breaths to relax and clear my head to be as focused as I can be. Every gig is a real challenge to perform this music!!

Joe: I like to mentally run through any parts that might be a concern for me but I usually try to eat light and just relax as much as I can. Playing two sets of Rush is mentally and physically challenging for all of us.

Mary Jo: How do you develop the set list for your shows?

Nat: 50 so far with more to come. "Jacob's Ladder" took forever and it's still a difficult one.

Larry: Up to 50 from 38 a year ago. “Jacob’s Ladder” and “Camera Eye” were tough. Also, the middle section in “A Farewell to Kings” took a bit to get down.

Joe: I think Larry and Nat probably know more than I do lol. "Jacob’s Ladder" might have taken all of us a long time to get right and even so it remains one of the more difficult songs to perform.

Mary Jo: Are there any songs you have decided to not try to play? Are there songs you always mess up?

Nat: We just pick songs and vote on them. Also check to see if we can get away with them with the instruments we have available. We keep most of the show the Terry Brown years because that's what people want and expect. I push for later stuff just to save my voice for the big classics.

Larry: We pick songs based on what most people feel are “the hits” and then it’s what we love to play or have always wanted to try. Ultimately though, it comes down to having the right gear to perform material correctly and authentically.

Joe: We have a list that will have more groupings of tracks from several albums and we will rotate the songs so each show is slightly different. We have to be mindful of the earlier tunes so we don’t have Nat singing that every show. Plus any guitar and bass switches need to be considered as well.

Mary Jo: Who has the biggest Rush shrine? Tell us about any Rush memorabilia you have and the story behind it (if there is one)?

Nat: I have a few tour programs from some of the shows I saw. I was given a 1978 vinyl of Hemispheres a Moving Pictures tour program. The one they're replicating for the upcoming box set.

Larry: I have a couple posters of Neil’s kit over the years, all the albums on disc, some on vinyl, and most of their DVD’s. My main shrine pieces are my ticket stubs.

Joe: I do not have a Rush Shrine and sadly I do not have any memorabilia. I was a pedestrian listener of Rush and enjoyed their music and appreciated it but in the 80’s as a guitar student I was drawn to other kinds of music then.

Mary Jo: Who's traveled the farthest to see the guys? Who has seen Rush the most number of times?

Nat: I was only lucky enough to see them four times. 2004, 2007, 2012 and 2015.

Joe: Not me, I saw them for the Roll the Bones tour but that was it sadly, and I kinda regret that.

Larry: I had the privilege to see RUSH 7 times, all in the Buffalo NY area. 1991 was my first show when I was 16. Every show was a religious experience and a drum lesson!

Mary Jo: How is playing to Rush fans different than playing to a general audience?

Nat: They're pickier and also more forgiving at the same time. I think because we insisted on doing this as a proper three piece they understand the massive undertaking of multiple roles per band member.

Joe: They are all music lovers and I must say that they are also very forgiving. They understand that playing the music of Rush is no small feat.

Larry: Rush fans are the best and worst at the same time because they know every song you’re going to play but they also know every part of the song so you better have done your homework and be tight when you are performing RUSH. When the band “Nails It”, the crowd is right there with you. That’s the Best!

Mary Jo: Anything else you want to share?

Nat: My first time playing with my Uncle's band was when I was 14 years old and I got to play "YYZ".

Joe: Since joining Analog Kids I have enjoyed listening to Rush’s music from a new perspective which has made me a fan all over again.

Larry: So far, this 3 piece tribute has lived up to the hype in our local scene and we hope to continue playing together performing the music from, in our opinion, the greatest band in the world.

Tell us about any upcoming shows you have.

We post all our shows on our website We have quite a bit coming up in August and through the end of the year in the upstate New York area.

Catch more of Analog Kids here:


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